2023 Meet the Musicians
We are thrilled to bring you two evenings full of local musicians, brought to you by The Blue Light Studio, here in Midland. Saturday June 3rd, and Sunday June 4th, from 5:30-8:30pm, musical performances will be next to the Little Forks Mural site, in the rear parking lot behind Little Forks Outfitters. You can access this lot off of McDonald St, between E Larkin St and Main St. We also have to send out a big thank you to Walker Custom Carpentry for building our stage last year, for these performances.
Some picnic tables will be available for seating, but feel free to bring your own chair or blanket, food or drinks, to enjoy the unfolding mural art and these incredible musicians.
5:30 - fallsin
6:00 - Bryan Jeske
6:50 - Parker Zimmerman
7:20 - Jolie Wing
5:30 - Emily Faber
5:50 - Mint Lights
6:20 - Noah Schieber
7:00 - AKFM Trio
7:35 - Jocks and Jandals
Learn more about some of this year’s musical artists below.
A Word About the Blue Light Studio
Founded by artist Jazzmyn Benitez, The Blue Light Studio’s mission is to serve musicians and storytellers as they cultivate their talents to connect with their audience in meaningful and transformative ways.
See regular live ‘Livingroom Session’ performances in the Live Oak Coffeehouse Midtown location, in the Makers Room. Follow The Blue Light Studio on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest.
Meet the Musicians
Who is your inspiration?
Everything Sam Ray has ever made has played a huge role in the different parts of music I have discovered and created.
How has music impacted your life?
Music has given me a medium to express things that I often have trouble putting into clear, direct words. Being able to convey something I am feeling, even if it’s without saying any words at all, has always been the easiest and most natural way to do so. Being able to appreciate it in this way has often lead me to people who feel the same, and those kinds of people whose lives are as enveloped by sound as mine are some of the greatest people I know.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
Being able to share art with a community can not only bring people closer together by creating solidarity with what people may struggle with, but it can also bring more people into a community in the same sense.
Connect: @fallsinmi on Instagram
fallsin on spotify, apple music, etc., https://fallsin.bandcamp.com
Support: @icefloors Venmo
Bryan Jeske
Who is your inspiration?
JJ Cale, Eric Clapton, John Prine, Bob Dylan.
How has music impacted your life?
Music has impacted my life by giving me an outlet for my creativity. Through songwriting I’m able to communicate my own feels or the feelings of others better than words can say.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
Public arts impacts a community because it gives life to that community. Typically from my experience the most vibrant and alive communities are those that have a vested interest in the arts.
Connect: https://linktr.ee/Bryanjeskemusic
Support: @BryanJeske Venmo
Parker Zimmerman
Who is your inspiration?
My dad and Rex orange county.
How has music impacted your life?
It lets me express my feelings in a way that I’d love to and it has made me a lot happier.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
I think people can see things in all sorts of different ways. So i think people can have deeper meanings for specific works, while others see it differently. I think it can really make people think deeply.
Connect: parker.zimmerman
Support: venmo: Parkerzz1
cashapp: p4rk0
Jolie and roni, Jonnie
Who is your inspiration?
Boygenius, Big Theif, Sufjim Stevens
How has music impacted your life?
We both have been impacted in many ways throughout our childhoods. Became roommates this past year and started writing together. The connection between us blossomed from that and our brains just seemed to connect creatively on a very deep level. We formed a band with our friends and found so much passion in creating collections of music that tells the stories of our friends.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
Using art to describe big feelings and life experiences can help create beautiful connections throughout the community.
Connect: @jonnie_the_band
Support: joliewing Venmo
*Note: Due to a last minute scheduling conflict Jonnie will not be performing as a group, but we will have the pleasure of listening to Jolie Wing perform solo!
Emily Faber
Who is your inspiration?
Maisie Peters, Sara Kays, Sasha Sloan, Avery Lynch and so many more people.
How has music impacted your life?
It’s been my coping mechanism through the low times in my life. But also my way to celebrate and really feel the highs in life.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
Art and music are my favorite things in life, along with a lot of people. Music is so universal in connecting people. All art forms make you feel something and shared feelings and experiences being people together.
Connect: YouTube Emily Faber
Support: @EmilyFaber28 Venmo
Mintlights - Lux Izquierdo
Who is your inspiration?
Freddie Mercury, Hayley Williams/Paramore, Patrick Stump/Fall Out Boy.
How has music impacted your life?
Music has been present in my life for as long as I have memory. It has been my best friend for more than 25 years. It’s been present in the moments I’ve had nobody to turn to. It’s been there when I don’t know what to do with my feelings, when I can’t find words to express some emotions. It has helped me connect with other people. It has also allowed me to find my voice, and to encourage other people find theirs.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
The public arts are fundamental for society to survive! Without them I think we would all go crazy. Accessibility to public arts should be a priority. Art is the path to finding oneself. Whether it is through performing arts, visual arts, literary arts, or any other type of art, it has always been the way to express what cannot be said, and every person should have access to them.
Connect: FB: Mintlights, IG: @mint.lights, Spotify: MintLights
Support: @Lauraizq94 Venmo
Who is your inspiration?
The list is endless. But, Larry McCray, Freddie King and Stevie Ray.
How has music impacted your life?
First performance at age 4. Working musician for the last 22 years.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
There is simply no downside to encouraging people to express themselves artistically.
Connect: @akfmguitar
Support: @sarah-ryden Venmo
Jocks and Jandals
Who is your inspiration?
Stevie Wonder, The Front Bottoms, Twin Peaks.
How has music impacted your life?
Music has inspired us to create and share our music with others.
How do you think public art impacts a community?
Public arts helps bring a community closer together and allows members to contribute in a creative way to better their shared space
Connect: @peter_barbeau @thematthewsshow @carlee.eo @tristan26140
Support: @peter_barbeau Venmo